Monday, July 25, 2005

Things don't always go as planned... welcome to honduras

I would like to begin with a side not to Cynthia White: I read your comments to your family, and Don, Andy, your dad, and Larry were able to go to Los Pinos on Sunday via truck. Also know that block laying is definately not the same without you here.

This morning we began at devo by presenting pink toolbelts to the six ladies from Borger, TX because of their hard work throughout the year for a mission that only one had ever experienced. These ladies were able to raise almost $10,000 to go towards benevolence. They also earned all of their money to pay for their expenses to get here. Great work ladies!

This morning we sent several groups in many directions. One group led by Terri Tindall stayed at the Mission House to spend the day packing food. Althogh this at first sounds like a very easy task, it is not. When food is packs beans, rice, sugar, and flour are carefully packaged from the huge bags that they are bought in into gallon sized ziplocks. Also in the food boxes things of spaghetti, tomato sauce, lard, some coffee, and most importantly, a Spanish bible. The contents of this box can typically feed a family here from anywhere between two weeks and a month. Tomorrow, several hundred families will have their prayers answered when Jesus sends people to them with a box of food.

At Nueva Oriental... Here all of the construction crews experienced one of those "Welcome to Honduras" kind of days. This expression is often stated when things don't go exactly as planned. The plan was to build four houses in this village today. Mark Connell and some of his interns arrived in the village early to find the sites that needed to be built. None of them were very easy to get to, and none of them were very close to the road in which the wood is delivered. Some people were surprised at where the sites were chosen, but if we didn't make the trek across the mountain to build these people's houses, then who would? The first load of wood arrived shortly after the group, so one group was able to move the wood and then get to work on this house. The people at the other three sites were all promised that a semi carrying enough wood to construct the other three houses. Sometime between 12:30 and 1:00 we found out that the man driving the truck drove the wood to the place where houses are supposed to be built tomorrow. In many circumstances, most people would become impatient and frusterated at the 2 and 1/2 hours they waited, but instead, we saw people on each house site getting to know others better, and taking time to play with and love on the children. Over the years I have learned here that losing my cool on a day like this does no good; I end up yelling at things that I cannot control, and nothing changes. It sure is nice to no that God is in control of everything. When we found out that the woo was not coming today, the three teams that had no wood loaded up on a bus to go to Santa Anna. So that they could get started on the houses that were supposed to be built tomorrow. Guess what? That did not happen.

While the construction, or should I say lack of construction, was happening, evangelim teams were all over the mountain. These groups scaled the mountain for hours telling people about the afternoon Bible study and also to tell peoplle about the VBS that was going to happen the same tie as the group study. The evangelism crew is led by Billy Ferguson and Cisco Vega. The VBS team is led by Paul Bennett. Paul was told that probably only 40 or so kids would be joining the VBS; however, closer to 140 kids showed up today. Fortuneatley, Paul and his crew rolled with the punches and handled the many extra chil . Throuout the day, 7 ladies in Nueva Orientasl decided to became Christians today.

Santa Anna... Here Don White headed up the crew to build the church building. This morning there was no back hoe, nor were there footers dug for the building. Yet again, welcome to Honduras. People here still found plenty of work to take part of today. All of the block needed for the church was moved to the church site. The side walk here was extended more. (Sidewalks here are going to wind through everything.) It looks absolutely beautiful. Dirt was hauled all day long, and cement was mixed for various projects.

In Santa Anna, a Bible study and a VBS also took place here today. I wish that everyone could have seen how intently the children were listening to the team toing the VBS; it was wonerful. Another group held a Bible study here too with a group of women. Three people were added into our family in Santa Anna today. Praise God!!!

Hospital Escuala... This group was led by Oscar Mansana, one of our translators from El Salvador. Here, many people were shared God through smiles, hugs, small gifts, and prayers. Days of visiting the hospital are always very emotional and heart breaking.

Everyone arrived back to the Mission House both exhausted and pumped for God. Tonight's devotional was led by Ray Wood, who gave testimony about his life and how he became a Christian. We all were touched by this and moved to tears.

As soon as devo ended, our own Holly from Vicksburg, MS told Kirt Hunt that the time had come. She was ready to be baptized into Christ. We all immediately gathered around the fountain in front of the girl's dorm What a perfect way to end the night. It's been another great day here in Honduras. Keep praying for us.


JMAS said...

Esperanza Massana
Hey Mamacita!
I already miss you (and the rest of the Possee). I am happy to hear that the work is going well for the group. Is your brother there? How awesome is it to work alongside of your family!
I got to bed at midnight on Sunday and did not wake up until 5:45 pm on Monday! I think I have finally caught up on sleep. And I have completely finished the blogspot for Terry's group. Well, I am praying daily for you all.
Love ya,

JMAS said...

Katie Palmer
Hey Possee Girl!
I hope you are enjoying the beginning of the next trip. It sounds like you all have a million things going on at once!
I wish I was there, but I will see you soon, hopefully. I will be flying in on August 3rd and should arrive at 12:30 pm. I am praying for you daily.
Love ya,

JMAS said...

Michelle Rajchl
Hey Girl!
I know God is using you to do amazing work down there with this new group. Enjoy every moment! I am glad that God inspired you to stay for a longer time period this year. I am praying for you daily.
Con amor,
Jennifer Arnold

JMAS said...

Rodolfo Herrera
Hey Soccer Star!
You will be happy to know that I just posted information on Terry's blogspot about the game on Saturday. And I mentioned Jed as the MVP (you were serious about that, right?).
Going through Miami this year was relaxing (didn't have to worry about you making it through this time). It is different to be home. It is even more different to be home when I know I only have 8 more days here.
Stay busy working for our Lord. And appreciate every word you are allowed to translate because of the amazing gift you have from God.
Praying for you all,

Lori Roberts said...

For Brigitte Roberts: Hey there~ Marc's post sounds like y'all are finding out a new meaning for "waiting on God." :) As I read his postings, I wonder, "Was Brigitte at the hospital? Was she at the VBS where 40 were planned and 140 showed up? I can picture you and all the Starkville girls surrounded by smiling kids, each of you holding at least one. I'm lifting you up. Love always, Mom

For Brandon Roberts: So, all pumped up and no houses to build... I'm glad to learn that the MS group is handling it well. Y'all are making us proud! I'm wondering if lifting concrete blocks uses different muscles than you use at the Sanderson? Are you sore? Wish I was there. Love, Mom

For Sharon Hankins: Hey, sis~ Talked to Steve yesterday after we got home from work at the same time. I asked him about getting onto the blogspot because Teresa Stewart and Cindy Street and I have been swapping stories of getting on without knowing how we did it! Steve said he hasn't tried, so I told him not to get disgusted when he tries. It's not as user-friendly as us over-40s need! ha Hug Tracy for me. Love, Lori

JMAS said...

A.B. Tamacus
Hey Papacito!
I missed you so much during the retreat. And I miss you now. I wish I was there with you all. Hopefully, I will get to see you before you head back home. Please E-mail me ASAP with your contact information. I want to finish the address book by this Friday and do not have your information.
Stay strong translating--I know you are blessing countless lives.
Love ya,

JMAS said...

Nayanne Arantes
Hey Girl!
I am guessing that you stayed for the Mississippi trip. I hope your trip to El Salvador with A.B. went well.
I miss all of you but hope to see you one more time before you go back home.
Thank you for the incredible work you did for all of us in Terry's group. Continue to bless people in this group with the incredible gift God has given you.
Love ya,

Lori Roberts said...

To Wesley Thompson: (RE: Reunion Youth program, Sunday morning, August 7) If you can get word to Tim Hines on whether you want to stay with whatever you had planned, or if you'd appreciate Janet and crew doing the puppets, please tell him to email us. Janet's working something up, just in case you'd appreciate the support. If you do plan to stay with your original plans/ideas, please have Tim email us, so we can tell Janet to focus on something else. Sorry we had such a tight window between SLCC and Torch and we didn't get to ask you about this before you left.

To Bethany: Hey, I'm reading these postings and it sounds like your dad gave his spot to your brother who just celebrated his birthday on this mission trip. Everyone here is so touched by this. God bless y'all as you serve.

To Bryan Welborn: I made it through Sunday without you, but it was pretty sad. I guess I'd better get used to it since you're off to Freed-Hardeman soon. Hope all is going well, according to God's plans! :) Y'all be safe and do good work for Him.

To Brigitte: Y'all pray a little harder for Katie, Kristen and Patrick. Their grandmother died right after their mother's funeral. I know I already wrote ya, but I'm thinking of you now anyway. Love you. Mom

To Brandon: Hey there, "Sunshine" - have you lost your cap yet? Y'all just beam for that camera when Marc's around so he can't help but post a few photos for us back here. :) Love, Mom