Friday, July 29, 2005

One thing I forgot to mention in yesterday's post was that two couples in Nueva Oriental got married. Both couples had been living together for years, but never married. All of the people had become Christians this week and came to an understanding that not being married was wrong. Wesley Thompson performed his first wedding ceremony ever.

Today was wonderful. Every day this week, all five of the busses that it takes to transport our large group have left the gates of the Mission House before 9:00. We have so much to do every day, and there is no need to burn any more day light than we have to. I would love it if we could start work everyday by 7:00 every morning.

This morning we sent groups to Nueva Oriental, San Miguel, Santa Anna, the hospital, and a small group to the hospital.

Nueva Oriental... Today we sent only a small group of God's workers to Nueva Oriental. No houses were built here today; the group that went was there only for the reason of telling people about Jesus. This group included Billy Ferguson, Cisco Vega, Wesley Thompson, Michelle Rachjl, and David Kenser. Michelle has such a beautiful heart. She never wants anyone to go away without talking to them about the love of God. In the five years that I have known Michelle, I have seen her compassion not just for the people of Honduras, but for everyone she comes in contact with. She truly yearns that all people hear God's word. Five people were baptised today in a river about 20- 30 minutes away from tegucigalpa. Yesterday, a women decided be baptized, but was very scared to to get into one of the barrels to be baptized. When it was time to go to the river, 4 other people wanted to go to the river to be baptized as well, so they also went to the river. Josue, a Honduran that was baptized last year studied with several of these people, and was blessed with the experience of baptizing some of his friends. Two or three other people became Christians in Nueva Oriental. God is good, and he is really using his tools to bring people to know him.

San Miguel... We worked toaday in a village that has had a lot of damage from the rain. It has rained there every day this summer. At least 4 times this summer, the rain has forced the rocks to move and to change the landscape everytime.

Three houses were started and completed here today, and two of these three houses were destroyed completely by the heavy rains from this summer. The houses are up, and they are some of the most square house I have ever seen.

The evangelism team in San Miguel worked very hard today. It takes a lot of work to walk through the mountain of SanMiguel; it is very steep and very dangerous terrain. Rudy from Costa Rica and Claudia from Gulf Port, MS worked today as translat0rs with the evangelism team. There were no phisical results today, but I know that many seeds were planted.

Also today in San Miguel, a truckload of food was dellivered. It is always a blessing o see how a family is when they have received a small box of food. the church building just needs a floor and roof. Their group went to Santa Anna. the alls of the home, jusg gouns and voog.

At the hospital... Esperaza Mansana led a small grou to the hospital. After the group spent a couple houras at kids, they should go they went to the orphanage dirty. Everyone that spent their day up there toaday, and we are very blast by the things we ahve seen.

Tonight we were priviliged einough to have the women of Mi Esperanza over to present the progrem to the women. We also had a store for Mi Esperanza. This was a perfect way to end a day. Another great day.


Lori Roberts said...

For Wesley Thompson: Congratulations!! Your first marriage ceremony ever! We're so proud of you! Terry Rikard is planning to see you soon; he and Lydia are flying down to Honduras today. Marc's postings are really helpful to keep us feeling "connected" to our kids! Tell him thanks for us. In Him, Lori

For Brigitte Roberts: I saw the most incredible, frightening lightning I've ever seen in my life. Your dad and I were bringing Brian back to Starkville and we had to PULL over on the bypass under the overpass near the Harvill's. It was loud and blindingly bright all at the same time as though it were striking right on top of us. And there were so many bolts, striking so close together and for so many minutes. It was an awesome display of God's power, but I have a new reverence for the Lord's lightning! :) If you get to email us, please tell me about the "mom"-topics: getting enough to eat?, sleeping well? names of the children you're getting to know? Love you. Mom

For Brandon Roberts: You've probably already figured out that I don't have much to tell y'all about. It's just another great day in Starkville. :) Forrest's birthday was yesterday and his party's tomorrow in Vicksburg, but I don't think I can take Brian. Wish you were here and y'all could do a road-trip like you've done before! :) Love you. Mom

JMAS said...

Paul Bennett

Hey Paul,
I am so blessed to be reading about the work you are doing. It just seems like yesterday that I was going on trips in the States doing work with Wingate Church of Christ. It is amazing how God shapes and forms our lives with events and people. I am glad to see you still going strong and doing such awesome things in Honduras. You and your family (I know you miss your little ones) are contniually in my prayers.
Jennifer Arnold from Nashville

JMAS said...

Katie Palmer

Hey Possee Girl!
So, have you just seen the Mi Esperanza presentation for the third time? I bet you have it memorized by now. :) You will be happy (and maybe surprised) that last night, Wendy, Courtney, Theo (Wendy's boyfriend), and I killed mosquitoes last night. :0 Lots of them.
Hope you all are having a great time doing an awesome work!
Love ya,
Jennifer Arnold

JMAS said...

Esperanza Massana

Mira! Anoche sus chicas bailaron hasta que una y media! :0 Yo no lo creo, tambien. Wendy's boyfriend (Theo) surprised her and flew into town on Wednesday. So the two of them, Courtney, a guy friend of mine, and I had fun last night.
It is good to hear that you are doing well. I know you touched countless lives at the hospital. I continue to pray for you.
Miss you and love ya,
Jennifer (mamacita en entrenando)

JMAS said...

Nayane Arantes

Hola Chica!
I hope you are having a great time. All of us in the States are missing you and wishing we were with you all.
Last night, Wendy and I tried to soak up some of the Latin culture and killed mosquitoes. We had so much fun!
Continue to be strong and know that God is using you for an unbelievable work. I am praying for you daily.
Love ya,
Jen Arnold

JMAS said...

Michelle Rajchl

Hey Girl!
I just read the latest blog mentioning you--Marc is completely right. Your good heart and love for everyone are inspirations to us all. It is good to see Jesus even through a web page; I know people are seeing Jesus in you down there and are blessed by your presence. Continue to do a remarkable job with the talents you have. I am praying for you daily.
con amor,
Jennifer Arnold

JMAS said...

Anibal Tamacas

Hey Papacito!
I miss you so much! You always make me feel so comfortable and loved when I am around you. You make a great deal of people feel this way--it is one reason we all love you. I know that your charming personality and immeasurable love for the Lord bless the people of Honduras. Continue to stay strong in Him. Daily, I am praying for you and the work to be done.
Love ya,
Jennifer (mamacita en entrenando)

JMAS said...

Rodolfo Herrera

Hey Rodolfo!
I am so glad to hear of the great work that is happening in so many communities. Good job leading the evangelism team--I am sure the kids loved you! Or did you translate for the adult Bible study? Either way, I know you were a blessing. Look for God continually (remember, sometimes you need to close your eyes and listen to the children). I am praying for you and people of Honduras that you will encounter--make every second last.
Su amiga,
Jennifer Arnold