Saturday, July 30, 2005

Friday's Work

This day was at times trying on the emotions, and even a little frustrating, but as usual it was another great day!

This morning we sent a group to a village that has never seen gringos called Ciudad Espana. This is an area that the government paid about 1500 houses. The houses are nicer than many that we see in Honduras, but the people are equally poor. This appearence is very deceptive. There are many children that if they have shoes, they are mismatched. Many of the people have no food and no money to get food.

Yesterday, the group we sent to Ciudad Espana went for the purpose of surveying the work that needs to be reached. This community badly needs God in their life. Most of the people were very unreceptive to the evangelism of Billy and Cisco, but I pray that we will be able to reach this community in a big way. I hope that we can do more work in the community so that they can see what we are preaching in action. I think it would be absolutely amazing if a family moved into this community full time to reach this community. Also, in an effort to r each this community, we think that this would be a great opportunity for another Mi Esperanza training center so that we can help the women of this community.

After the group went to the community of Ciudad Espana, they went to Jimmy Hughe's children's home. One of the reasons that this is a children's home not an orphanage is because Jimmy does not want these kids to feel like they are abandoned, and that is the connotation that the word orphanage gives. Jimmy treats each person there equally, and they all love him and consider him a dad. This was one of the most emotional days that many people experienced. Jimmy is an ex-hitman that has become a Christian and has the love of Jesus and wants to give it to everyone else. He reminds all of the groups that it is their responsibility to tell everyone they ever come in contact with to tell about Jesus because we may be the only opportunity they ever have to hear about Jesus.

A different group today worked in a village that our TORCH group has not been to in many years. It is the village of Villa Nueva. Here they built two houses, and with the help and encouragement from Mark Connel, the entire group was finished with both houses and were on the bus by 4:00. This is a neat community because it is one of the only churches here where the preacher is not supported by anyone in the states. The church is growing all of the time, and it is not because of missionary groups that have come in; this happens because the people in their community are going and telling people about the love of God.

Yet another group spent the day in Santa Anna. No one who saw the land last Saturday would believe what this place looks like now. The building is almost finished, and after today, it will be ready to hold God's people. Also, there is now level land where Casa de Esperanza, the children's home will be.

A fourth group visited the children at the hospital. This team was led by Esperanza Massana, one of our translators. She has the most beuatiful heart of anyone I have ever met. She has been coming here to work with Torch groups for several years, and now she wants this to be part of her life forever. Praise God for what this ministry does to people's lives.

To this date, God has used this group in many ways. There are now 34 new Christian family members all over the city of Tegucigalpa. Many of this group of new Christians are the first in the communities, and this Sunday, they will have their first coorprate worship together. Many people have gotten houses this week, and many familys now have food. God is GREAT!! All the time!!!

It's been another great day!


JMAS said...

Esperanza Massana

Hola Mamacita!
Okay, okay, okay...Am I reading into the article on the blogspot, or is there something you want to tell me? Marc wrote, "She has been coming here to work with Torch groups for several years, and now she wants this to be part of her life forever." Have you made a decision about what to do after the summer? Is there any way for you to write me back?!!!
Te extrano,

Lori Roberts said...

For Brigitte Roberts:
Hey there, girl. I do hope you get to read some of these comments I'm posting. Not that the comments are so profound, but I just want you to know that I have been thinking of you constantly. Today I went shopping for school supplies with Brian and I got you some paper. It's one week tonight that you'll be coming into Starkville. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it! Love, Mom

For Brandon Roberts: I always wonder in which location you worked when I read Marc's article. Maybe you'll be bubbling over to talk about it before life gets back to routine. If you can write some things down while they are fresh, that's always so good. Love you. Mom