Friday, June 03, 2005

40 Days of Prayer

Today we are exactly 50 days away from our mission and I'd like to offer everyone an invitation to join me in 40 days of prayer for our work. I plan to begin on June 13th - 40 days from our departure and I will be praying for many things relating to our work. Following is a daily reminder of some of the prayer needs in Honduras. Make your own - share it with friends, family, and supporters. Pick a day a week to fast and pray. Whatever you do, please pray for our work -

Day 40 June 13

In 40 days our team will be traveling to one of the poorest countries in the west. Pray that God will open our eyes to the needs of the people of Honduras.

Day 39, June 14

Pray for our full time workers in Honduras – Tim, Gena, Dalton, & Dylan Hines, Joe Merillat, Mark & Lori Connell

Day 38, June 15

Today there are 12 interns leaving to work for the rest of the summer in Honduras. Pray for them.

Day 37, June 16

Pray for the children & the workers at the Special Needs Orphanage.

Day 36, June 17

Pray for a widow and her 5 kids in a community called Nuevo Oriental. They probably have no food today.

Day 35, June 18

Pray for the children in the nutrition ward at Hospital Esquela.

Day 34, June 19

Pray for God to deliver the resources that we will need to build houses for the homeless and to provide food for the hungry.

Day 33, June 20

Pray for God to protect the homeless kids on the streets of Tegucigalpa.

Day 32, June 21

Pray that your life will be completely changed by the work that he has planned for you.

Day 31, June 22

Pray that our team will be unified in this work. Pray that everything that we do will be done to glorify our God.

Day 30, June 23

Pray for the Mi Esperanza program. Pray that it will help the ladies in the program to learn a skill and to change their lives.

Day 29, June 24

Pray for the children at the Good Shepherd Orphanage

Day 28, June 25

Pray for a poor man named Trajellio. Pray that he will get the house that he desperately needs.

Day 27, June 26

Pray that we will work tirelessly and that God will protect our team when we are in Honduras.

Day 26, June 27

Pray for wisdom.

Day 25, June 28

Pray that God will fill the new church building that will be built in Santa Anna with people that need Jesus.

Day 24, June 29

Pray that God will make us fearless and willing to step outside of our comfort zone.

Day 23, June 30

Pray for the children at the School for the Blind.

Day 22, July 1

Pray for the little boys at Jovenes en Camino – a home for boys that need one.

Day 21, July 2

Pray that we will keep our passion for service strong when we return to our homes.

Day 20, July 3

Pray that our message is in our service as much as it is in our words.

Day 19, July 4

Pray for revival in the USA today. Pray that people will seek Him and that we will be bold witnesses for Him.

Day 18, July 5

Pray for fertile soil and a bountiful harvest.

Day 17, July 6

Pray for Billy Ferguson and Cisco Vega as they prepare to work tirelessly leading our evangelism teams.

Day 16, July 7

Pray for the hungry children in Tegucigalpa that are sniffing glue to stop the pain of an empty stomach.

Day 15, July 8

Pray for everyone that you know that will be on this mission. Pray for them by name and ask God to touch their lives. Ask God to let them see Jesus – face to face in Honduras.

Day 14, July 9

Pray for my friend Cole – he is coming with his family to work with us. Pray that you will get to know how special he is.

Day 13, July 10

Pray for the mission team working in Los Pinos and preparing to go to Mexico in the fall.

Day 12, July 11

Pray for the Baxter Institute and the students and their teachers.

Day 11, July 12

Pray that God will teach all of us to learn to step out in faith.

Day 10, July 13

Pray for the children in the cancer ward in Hospital Esquela.

Day 9, July 14

Pray for the communities of Santa Anna, Ojojona, La Paz, & Nuevo Oriental. We will be working in all of these areas.

Day 8, July 15

Pray for my little friend Victor. Victor lives in Los Pinos - I see Jesus in him because – just like Jesus, he never forgets my name.

Day 7, July 16

Pray for the new clinic that is being built it Santa Anna.

Day 6, July 17

Pray for Jen Wright & Karen Vaughan. These ladies are stepping out in faith and moving to Honduras to work with the children in the new children’s home that will be built in Santa Anna.

Day 5, July 18

Pray for our translators. Pray for God to give them the strength to get the message to the people that need it.

Day 4, July 19

Pray for me. Pray that God will give me the direction and understanding to lead our team where he wants us to be.

Day 3, July 20

Pray that our team will remember why we are in Honduras, that we will work for one purpose and that the people we serve will see Jesus in everything we do.

Day 2, July 21

Pray for Ryan & Janna Beth – they plan to be married while we are in Roatan.

Day 1, July 22

Pray for the safe journey of the 160+ that will be meeting in Honduras this weekend. Pray for the families that we will leave at home and for the work that we are about to do. Pray that this journey is a beginning.

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