Sunday, July 31, 2005
The first bus went to the airport to take a group of about fifteen to go home today. This group included the Chaffin family who everyone hated to see leave because they were all such an asset this year to our evangelism program, Deborah and Jessica Pyle, Caitlyn Grimes, Dr. Dan the dentist from Tupelo, Nikki, Beverly, Earl, and Sarah Ardnt, Sarah's boyfriend Kenny, Denny Madux, Mark McCain, and Jen and Karen that will run the children's home that will open in December. Each of these people were an important asset to our team in their own way. We hate to see each these people have to leave, but I am confident that they will each find their way back here next year. Also, I am confidant that each of these people's lives have been touched immensely from the time that they did spend here.
After this bus dropped the group off at the airport, another group went to Santa Anna to work on the land. Amazingly the building that peopl will use to worship God in was built in one week. The most amazing thing is that last Sunday, the land still was not cleared for this area. There were still three trees in the area where the building is now.
Another bus went to a village that Torch groups have not worked in for several years. This was the village of San Mateo, and the group did a medical clinic there today. As we were telling people about the clinic, we came across a woman who was very ill and could not get up. The only way she could get the help she needed was to go to the hospital, but she and the family refused for her to go; therefore, she likely will die. Here in Mateo, Emily Mathes dressed as a circus clown as entertainment for the children in line for the clinic. I must say that she makes a very bonita clown.
A third bus went to a village called 21 de Octubre or in English it is October 21st. Here we built three houses, one of which was for our truck driver's mom. The house built for Will's mom was bjuilt in memory of Mary Beth Willis' grandmother and Rick Willis' mom. She died only 4 days before the group came, so we are all very thankful that Rick still came.
All of the houses were finished by 3:00, and so Mark Connell aided each group in building beds that are attached to the walls of the house. When we are able to build beds, it is a wonderful addition to the house.
A fourth bus went to Nueva Oriental to deliver food. The delivered about 200 boxes of food in this village. While they were there Billy and Cisco were busy evangelizing, and we had two more baptisms here. Unexpectedly, when our group got to this village, another group was already working there. It was Steve Davidson's group from Nashville, TN who is staying at Baxter Institute of preaching. They were building three houses there, so part of our group decided to help them and swing a few nails. God's family is so huge; it is amazing that no matter where we go, we can always come into contact with people that are in God's family. This bus later met up with the group in October 21.
The fifth bus left to go to the hospital and the blind school. Today we decided to go to a different state hospital, Hospital San Felipe, which is the oldest Hospital in Honduras. After the hospital we went to the blind school, which is one of my favorite parts of coming to Honduras. It is so amazing to watch the children who can't see anything play soccer or to help each other find their way around. One of the most wonderful parts about this place is when we are able to here them sing. It is like God has sent little angels down to earth so that we can enjoy some of his music. The day we visit the blind school is always very emotional. Very rarely does anyone leave here with dry eyes.
Finally, a small group met together at 2:30 for a graduation ceremony in Los Pinos. It was unexpected, so we all ended up being very underdressed. We were all dressed for work, and they were all dressed in their best. It was so good to see many of the people that we have gotten close to over the last three years. It was also neat to see that the church is such a part of the community that it's building held a high school graduation ceremony, and there was even a short sermon in it. What a blessing!
It has been another great day in Honduras. We only have three work days before the group goes to Roatan on Thursday, August 4. Pray for us for strength in the last lfew days.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Friday's Work
This morning we sent a group to a village that has never seen gringos called Ciudad Espana. This is an area that the government paid about 1500 houses. The houses are nicer than many that we see in Honduras, but the people are equally poor. This appearence is very deceptive. There are many children that if they have shoes, they are mismatched. Many of the people have no food and no money to get food.
Yesterday, the group we sent to Ciudad Espana went for the purpose of surveying the work that needs to be reached. This community badly needs God in their life. Most of the people were very unreceptive to the evangelism of Billy and Cisco, but I pray that we will be able to reach this community in a big way. I hope that we can do more work in the community so that they can see what we are preaching in action. I think it would be absolutely amazing if a family moved into this community full time to reach this community. Also, in an effort to r each this community, we think that this would be a great opportunity for another Mi Esperanza training center so that we can help the women of this community.
After the group went to the community of Ciudad Espana, they went to Jimmy Hughe's children's home. One of the reasons that this is a children's home not an orphanage is because Jimmy does not want these kids to feel like they are abandoned, and that is the connotation that the word orphanage gives. Jimmy treats each person there equally, and they all love him and consider him a dad. This was one of the most emotional days that many people experienced. Jimmy is an ex-hitman that has become a Christian and has the love of Jesus and wants to give it to everyone else. He reminds all of the groups that it is their responsibility to tell everyone they ever come in contact with to tell about Jesus because we may be the only opportunity they ever have to hear about Jesus.
A different group today worked in a village that our TORCH group has not been to in many years. It is the village of Villa Nueva. Here they built two houses, and with the help and encouragement from Mark Connel, the entire group was finished with both houses and were on the bus by 4:00. This is a neat community because it is one of the only churches here where the preacher is not supported by anyone in the states. The church is growing all of the time, and it is not because of missionary groups that have come in; this happens because the people in their community are going and telling people about the love of God.
Yet another group spent the day in Santa Anna. No one who saw the land last Saturday would believe what this place looks like now. The building is almost finished, and after today, it will be ready to hold God's people. Also, there is now level land where Casa de Esperanza, the children's home will be.
A fourth group visited the children at the hospital. This team was led by Esperanza Massana, one of our translators. She has the most beuatiful heart of anyone I have ever met. She has been coming here to work with Torch groups for several years, and now she wants this to be part of her life forever. Praise God for what this ministry does to people's lives.
To this date, God has used this group in many ways. There are now 34 new Christian family members all over the city of Tegucigalpa. Many of this group of new Christians are the first in the communities, and this Sunday, they will have their first coorprate worship together. Many people have gotten houses this week, and many familys now have food. God is GREAT!! All the time!!!
It's been another great day!
Friday, July 29, 2005
Today was wonderful. Every day this week, all five of the busses that it takes to transport our large group have left the gates of the Mission House before 9:00. We have so much to do every day, and there is no need to burn any more day light than we have to. I would love it if we could start work everyday by 7:00 every morning.
This morning we sent groups to Nueva Oriental, San Miguel, Santa Anna, the hospital, and a small group to the hospital.
Nueva Oriental... Today we sent only a small group of God's workers to Nueva Oriental. No houses were built here today; the group that went was there only for the reason of telling people about Jesus. This group included Billy Ferguson, Cisco Vega, Wesley Thompson, Michelle Rachjl, and David Kenser. Michelle has such a beautiful heart. She never wants anyone to go away without talking to them about the love of God. In the five years that I have known Michelle, I have seen her compassion not just for the people of Honduras, but for everyone she comes in contact with. She truly yearns that all people hear God's word. Five people were baptised today in a river about 20- 30 minutes away from tegucigalpa. Yesterday, a women decided be baptized, but was very scared to to get into one of the barrels to be baptized. When it was time to go to the river, 4 other people wanted to go to the river to be baptized as well, so they also went to the river. Josue, a Honduran that was baptized last year studied with several of these people, and was blessed with the experience of baptizing some of his friends. Two or three other people became Christians in Nueva Oriental. God is good, and he is really using his tools to bring people to know him.
San Miguel... We worked toaday in a village that has had a lot of damage from the rain. It has rained there every day this summer. At least 4 times this summer, the rain has forced the rocks to move and to change the landscape everytime.
Three houses were started and completed here today, and two of these three houses were destroyed completely by the heavy rains from this summer. The houses are up, and they are some of the most square house I have ever seen.
The evangelism team in San Miguel worked very hard today. It takes a lot of work to walk through the mountain of SanMiguel; it is very steep and very dangerous terrain. Rudy from Costa Rica and Claudia from Gulf Port, MS worked today as translat0rs with the evangelism team. There were no phisical results today, but I know that many seeds were planted.
Also today in San Miguel, a truckload of food was dellivered. It is always a blessing o see how a family is when they have received a small box of food. the church building just needs a floor and roof. Their group went to Santa Anna. the alls of the home, jusg gouns and voog.
At the hospital... Esperaza Mansana led a small grou to the hospital. After the group spent a couple houras at kids, they should go they went to the orphanage dirty. Everyone that spent their day up there toaday, and we are very blast by the things we ahve seen.
Tonight we were priviliged einough to have the women of Mi Esperanza over to present the progrem to the women. We also had a store for Mi Esperanza. This was a perfect way to end a day. Another great day.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Alive and Well
We accomplished a lot today, and God is definatetly using this group and making things into what he wants them to be.
Villa Gracia... A small group stayed here to assemble water filters that will be distributed around the communities in which we work.
Nueva Oriental... Three houses were finisthed, and the wood for the fourth house did not come today. Andrew Kurganevitch was a team leader for one f the housesm and he did an excelent job. Up the mountain, the group was hosting a carnival with tickets, prizes and games. We even had a cotton candy machine and they also made popcorn. Today, Billy left his tag team partner all alone today, but we people came to the realization that Billy has discipled others on how to give his Spanish lesson. 7 people in this village were baptized today, one of which (one was a gringo, and he was friends with her.
In Santa Anna... the crew working on the land did an awesome job on working on the house today. Nowi ti has three . There were one or two baptisms there as wel. The church site has about three walls up at the church site.
The hospital... This is always an emotional day. After the hospital,the group went to an orphanage. Tthey remember them as a great friend.
Its been another great day in HOnduras. Keep us in your prayers.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Another Day's work
I will start with the fantastic eight. These eight stayed at the mission house and yet again packed food. They entertained each other today, and I had more fun than ever packing food. Oftentimes, people choose to pack food because they believe that it will be an easy or light day, but it as equally as hard as any other thing that one could choose to take part in. The group was entertained by the Wheelbarrow lady and her sidekick as well as Bouyon Boy. There are now 700 boxes of food ready to be delivered to the hungry people here. Today the food packaging group had a blast serving the Lord and getting to know one another better.
Nueva Oriental... Mark Connell led the team to victory as they accomplished the three houses that were left unfinished yesterday because we never got our wood. (Actually these were the three houses where the teams had only dug postholes for the corner posts.) God used Billy and Cisco today to do great things for him. Some other preachers from the states worked with them also. By God using these men, 3 people in Nueva Oriental are now our sisters in Christ.
Santa Anna... Lots of work happened here today. The foundation at the church is ready to be laid; there are footers and level ground today. We will need Cynthia White here to show those men how it is done. Also the land for the orphanage is cleared and ready for work. Can't you imagine how cute those precious children will be? Also on the land today, was another day of VBS. Everyone saw the love that Phyllis Chaffin and Marylin Hunt gave to the children. They spent much one-on-one time coloring with children. They even missed the water balloon fight that has become a highlight of the VBS. Everyone involved with all of the VBS teams has done a great job and spent much time planning.
The VBS crew had to move some cement tiles sometime during the day, and they were all touched by a little Honduran girl Estephania who spent the time helping. She could only move one tile at a time, but is was one tile at a time that the group did not have to move. She did this the whole time with a big smile on her face.
In a remote area near Santa Anna, 4 houses were worked on. They are all almost complete. Two of them are finished, and the others will not take very long to finish. Praise God that 7 families who didn't have a place to live in this morning do now.
In Ojojona... Ojojona is a neat community directly up the hill from our land in Santa Anna. Today we had our first clinic of the trip. Doctor Jason Kelly from O'fallon, IL and Dan the dentist manned this project. They saw about two hundred people in about 5 hours. This group probably saw things that they have not seen before. Many of the children have worms and diareah.
There also was a VBS and Bible study with the adults here today. No one showed up for the meeting at 1:00 or even at 1:30 today, but that is ok; the group did not let Satan get them discouraged. They studied with people that were in line for the clinic, and we have three new familie members in Christ now in Ojojona. That means today we recieved 6 familiy members. What an amazing reason to celebrate!!! In just two days we have 17 new Christian family members.
Les Ferguson told a story of Daisy Gonzoles. She asked him to put her in his prayers. She is a married mother of 5 who became a Christian today. She asked for prayers that God would help her not do things that are wrong, that she would flee from evil ways, and that her husband woul accept God when he hears about him on Wednesday.
Food distribution... The Krug girls, Claire Chessir, and Russel Shaw had more fun riding around in Marc's truck delivering food. They found out that Torch's delivery truck runs like a HumV when it went up to places that even Marc was unsure about. This group was Jesus to many people today as they delivered 125 boxes of food. One lady even told them that all of her thanks was to God for the food. She said that she knew it was from him because she prayed for it. Praise God that she knew the work we are doing is not from us.
The hospital team... This morning Anibal Tamacas otherwise known as AB led a team to the hospital of about 15 people. There were two girls in our group who spent the day playing with a girl with Tiburculosus. They had no worries of catching this; and when asked about why they were doing it, they said that the little girl needed God's love too. Also some of our younger crew members experienced the burn unit. This is always a heart-wrenching experience. The crew saw a baby with a hernia. Also there was a little girl there with a pole through her leg. The entire group had a very emotional day.
AB told me that the most heart warming fulfilling part of his day was the part of the day when this group went to the special needs orphanage. This is a place where kids that are severely retarded can be taken care of and loved. The group spent about 3 hours with the kids. He said that they were able to play soccer with them, and it was much fun watching them try. They also spent time on the new playground built for them in the spring by a Torch group. Everyone was very uplifted after spending time with these special people.
Much happened today. God is awesome! It was another great day.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Things don't always go as planned... welcome to honduras
This morning we began at devo by presenting pink toolbelts to the six ladies from Borger, TX because of their hard work throughout the year for a mission that only one had ever experienced. These ladies were able to raise almost $10,000 to go towards benevolence. They also earned all of their money to pay for their expenses to get here. Great work ladies!
This morning we sent several groups in many directions. One group led by Terri Tindall stayed at the Mission House to spend the day packing food. Althogh this at first sounds like a very easy task, it is not. When food is packs beans, rice, sugar, and flour are carefully packaged from the huge bags that they are bought in into gallon sized ziplocks. Also in the food boxes things of spaghetti, tomato sauce, lard, some coffee, and most importantly, a Spanish bible. The contents of this box can typically feed a family here from anywhere between two weeks and a month. Tomorrow, several hundred families will have their prayers answered when Jesus sends people to them with a box of food.
At Nueva Oriental... Here all of the construction crews experienced one of those "Welcome to Honduras" kind of days. This expression is often stated when things don't go exactly as planned. The plan was to build four houses in this village today. Mark Connell and some of his interns arrived in the village early to find the sites that needed to be built. None of them were very easy to get to, and none of them were very close to the road in which the wood is delivered. Some people were surprised at where the sites were chosen, but if we didn't make the trek across the mountain to build these people's houses, then who would? The first load of wood arrived shortly after the group, so one group was able to move the wood and then get to work on this house. The people at the other three sites were all promised that a semi carrying enough wood to construct the other three houses. Sometime between 12:30 and 1:00 we found out that the man driving the truck drove the wood to the place where houses are supposed to be built tomorrow. In many circumstances, most people would become impatient and frusterated at the 2 and 1/2 hours they waited, but instead, we saw people on each house site getting to know others better, and taking time to play with and love on the children. Over the years I have learned here that losing my cool on a day like this does no good; I end up yelling at things that I cannot control, and nothing changes. It sure is nice to no that God is in control of everything. When we found out that the woo was not coming today, the three teams that had no wood loaded up on a bus to go to Santa Anna. So that they could get started on the houses that were supposed to be built tomorrow. Guess what? That did not happen.
While the construction, or should I say lack of construction, was happening, evangelim teams were all over the mountain. These groups scaled the mountain for hours telling people about the afternoon Bible study and also to tell peoplle about the VBS that was going to happen the same tie as the group study. The evangelism crew is led by Billy Ferguson and Cisco Vega. The VBS team is led by Paul Bennett. Paul was told that probably only 40 or so kids would be joining the VBS; however, closer to 140 kids showed up today. Fortuneatley, Paul and his crew rolled with the punches and handled the many extra chil . Throuout the day, 7 ladies in Nueva Orientasl decided to became Christians today.
Santa Anna... Here Don White headed up the crew to build the church building. This morning there was no back hoe, nor were there footers dug for the building. Yet again, welcome to Honduras. People here still found plenty of work to take part of today. All of the block needed for the church was moved to the church site. The side walk here was extended more. (Sidewalks here are going to wind through everything.) It looks absolutely beautiful. Dirt was hauled all day long, and cement was mixed for various projects.
In Santa Anna, a Bible study and a VBS also took place here today. I wish that everyone could have seen how intently the children were listening to the team toing the VBS; it was wonerful. Another group held a Bible study here too with a group of women. Three people were added into our family in Santa Anna today. Praise God!!!
Hospital Escuala... This group was led by Oscar Mansana, one of our translators from El Salvador. Here, many people were shared God through smiles, hugs, small gifts, and prayers. Days of visiting the hospital are always very emotional and heart breaking.
Everyone arrived back to the Mission House both exhausted and pumped for God. Tonight's devotional was led by Ray Wood, who gave testimony about his life and how he became a Christian. We all were touched by this and moved to tears.
As soon as devo ended, our own Holly from Vicksburg, MS told Kirt Hunt that the time had come. She was ready to be baptized into Christ. We all immediately gathered around the fountain in front of the girl's dorm What a perfect way to end the night. It's been another great day here in Honduras. Keep praying for us.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
While we were eating, Kirt Hunt, Oscar Masana, and Andrew Kurganevitch siezed an opportunity to wittness to a couple Honuran men. At the same time, several people in the group entertained some poor Honduran street kids by taking them in to the restaurants to get some food and spending time with them while they ate. Come to find out for of the boys (Suel, Danial, Josue, and Oscar) are from Los Pinos, a village that many Torch groups have worked in over the past two or three years.
After lunch, it was time for work. We headed to the village of Santa Anna. Here a large piece of land was bought in April. On this land there will be: sixteen families with new homes, a place for the church to worship, a full time free clinic, a police post, a Mi Esperanza Artisan center, a children's home that will be full of children who today are dirty, hungry and unloved. Within months, the walls of the chilren's home will be full of laughter and love.
We needed to get quite a bit of work done here today to prepare for the work that will happen over the next two weeks. We cleared the land for the the church building. Also, an assembly line was formed to move concrete blocks up to the church site. While this was happening, a group was moving wheel barrows of dirt down the hill so that cement can be made tomorrow.
While we were working, the last part of our group showed up (the ones that didn't come yesterday) When they joined us, we took a time for everyone to celebrate communion with each other and to celebrate our risen savior.
After we spent time in communion, the entire group headed to sthe area where the children's home will be built. Here the entire group gathered around Jen and Karen to pray. They have given up everything they know and all that is familiar to them to do a work here that they are in love with. They will work with the children's home and give an abundance of love to the children and teach them about Jesus. this was very heart-touching, and many eyes were tear-filled.
Tonight we planned to go to the Jesus Statue for our devotional, but as usual, things in Honduras change. Because of the rain today, we couldn't go to the Jesus statue. Instead we had worship at the mission house. Imagine our group of 171 along with plus about 20 others singing to God with everything they have. It was indeed another great day
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Here at last
After everyone arrived we went across the street from the airport to grab lunch. The whole group worked hard to make sure that they received no enslada (salad) on their hamburgers and no heilo (ice) in their drinks. If only they knew and understood that everything was ok to eat... Oh well! Better safe than sorry.
As soon as the food was gone and faces were wiped off the group packed like sardines into two of the busses in the TORCH fleet. At least we were only going up to Villa Garcia or what we call the Mission House. All of the newbies that had never experienced riding in Honduras were definately in for a treat unless they dislike rollercoasters. As soon as we arrived and settled in Billy Ferguson led a seminar for anyone interested in doing one-on-one evagelism while working here. At least very eager people attended this meeting. During the same time of the evangelism meeting, Paul Bennet had a time of planning with all of those that want to be involved in Vacation Bible School.
While the meetings were happening, a small group met Mark Connell and some TORCH interns in the village of Nueva Oriental so that they could learn how to put in a floor and how to make the house as square as possible. NO JUNK FOR JESUS!!! The floors are such an improvevment and immensely improve the quality of the TORCH houses. I hope that each person on this trip has the opportunity to put in a floor.
After the meetings were over and the construction crew had finished building, everyone was oriented to the rules and regulations of the trip. They also were told of some of the amazing things that God has in store for this trip.
Devotional tonight was exciting and inspiring. I always am encouraged when I hear so many people singing with everything they have to the one we love and serve. As usual we ended the day with the question "Where did you see Jesus today?" This is a question that causes people to think. Through the trip pray that our eyes are open and that we all meet Jesus face to face.
It was another great day in Honduras!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The Time Has Arrived

July 23 – August 6th
July 23 – Arrivals 11:00 to 12:30
Clear customs / lunch and arrive at Mission House between 2:00 & 2:30
Work /
Food Distribution – pack out 2 loads of food
Evangelism Training – Billy to conduct class
Evangelism Training – VBS Planning
IRC Warehouse – Crew to straighten & clean up
Lights out 10:30
July 24th – Arrivals 12:18
Breakfast 7:00 to 8:15
Two locations for worship – Los Pinos & San Miguel – depart at 9:15
Lunch – Campero’s area
Work planned at
Join up with new arrivals at
Ground Breaking for Casa de Esperanza
Communion at church site
Devotional at Jesus Statue
Return to mission house and orientation for Sunday arrivals
Lights out at 10:30
July 25th – August 3 for most & August 5th for others.
The work begins – daily schedule except Sunday
Breakfast 6:30 to 7:30
Devotional 7:45
Buses depart to work sites at 8:45
Work Opportunities -
House Crews – 4 – average per day
Church Construction in
Block House Construction
Children’s Home – visits and work almost daily
Hospital Esquela - daily
Evangelism – Teaching - daily
Evangelism – VBS - daily
Food Assembly & Food Distribution - daily
IRC Warehouse – assembly of clinic, distribution, clothing, etc
Clinics will be the end of week one and beginning of week two.
August 6th – We go back to our homes and plan another year!
Monday, July 18, 2005

Next week we will operate the TORCH Shoe Store and we'll wash a lot of feet like this - then we'll make sure that they have new shoes - that match.
That will be.....Another Great Day in Honduras.........
(see you this weekend)
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Our group size prevents us all from travelling to Roatan at the same time. Since we all can't go at the same time, we are offering the first 40 volunteers the option of staying in Tegucigalpa and working on a few more projects, building a couple of houses, feeding a few more people, playing with a few more kids, and doing what we love to do for a couple more days.
Please call my cell or email me if you want to be one of the lucky group that stay's in Tegucigalpa for 2 more great days in Honduras.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Get Ready To Build

When the groups travelling on the 23rd arrive in Tegucigalpa, they will go from the airport to lunch and then straight to work. Well have teams going to pack food, learn how to build a 2005 style house, preparing for VBS, & preparing for evangelism.
Here is a sample of what we will see when we go up the mountain to the House Building 101 class.
Floors are one of the most exciting additions to Hondo Houses that we have ever done. I can't wait to pound the first nails.
We are also adding other additions like bunk beds and even some houses with two rooms!
Get ready to build! We are gonna have a great time and 14 GREAT DAYS IN HONDURAS.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Down To The Wire
In two weeks we hit the ground in Tegucigalpa and will not stop till the job is done.
The conference call was great and we are planning to email out all flight information by Monday the 11th. If you need your information sooner, please send me an email and I'll get it to you.
All you need to know is this - Unless I've told you something different, you will be on American Airlines and you will be leaving very early in the morning - either the 23rd or the 24th.
If your departure city is Miami, you get to sleep in a little.
When you get your schedule and locater numbers, go to the American web site and pull off your confirmation.
Our benevolence and working fund is growing but, I need to get as much of your earnings as soon as you can get it to me. I had to send a big chunk of money to Honduras this week to pre pay for a lot of our construction material and that means that our budget will be very tight unless you can help us by sending the benevolence dollars so I can get them on deposit.
Many of the items that we we paid for on delivery last year are now pre-paid through our US based account that is tied to a Honduran bank.
Please make sure that all your friends, families, and sponsors have this blog address. This is the place where our reports will be posted.
See you soon!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Let's Talk About It
Here is the plan -
On Tuesday July 5th at 6:00 PM Central we will have a conference call that will involve one person from every group of 5 or more. That means that I need confirmation by email from someone in each of the following locations -
Starkville, MS
Columbus, MS
Tupelo, MS
Gulfport, MS
Vicksburg, MS
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Orlando, FL
Charlotte, NC - Archdale
Charlotte, NC - All others
Hot Springs, AR
Borger, TX
I am hoping that every group is reading the info here and that I am not chasing you down. Please send me an email confirmation that you are planning to be on this call. We will be discussing work plans, travel plans, trip info, etc. I don't mind if you are using a conference phone or a speaker phone but, please DO NOT CALL FROM A CELL PHONE.
Here is the dial in info -
A few minutes before 6:00 PM CENTRAL / 7:00 PM Eastern - dial 1-866-295-5950
You will be asked for an access code and your code is 28534#
If you have questions and can email them to me in advance, I would appreciate it.
We are getting close!