Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday- Another Great Day

We were scattered around today. There were teams at Hospital Esquala, in El Hitillo, working at the misson house, in Los Pinos, and other places. All were working together and working for a common goal. When this happens, people around our team recognize that it is Jesus working through his followers and they begin to ask questions about the reason that we are "different".
Today the team building houses in the lower El Hitillo community attracted many people that were interested in what was happening and why a bunch of people from North America would come to their conutry to work and build. In Los Pinos many seeds were planted. the harvest was one but, when this crop is harvested, I'm confident that there will be many many more. Our teams on the mountain work hard to deliver the message and I am blessed everyday with the many stories about the work that happened.
A team of 10 stayed behind today to organize the " stuff"for a day of giving that is scheduled for Monday. After working here, they rode to the IRC Warehouse in Tegucigalpa to complete their job. We are now ready for the job ahead.
While all the work on different mountains was going on, there was a small group that loaded and delivered 150 food bags to the church in Los Pinos. The plan is for the members of the churh to deliver the food to the community where they live. We are working with the local churches because they will still be there when the TORCH groups leave.
This afternoon we were joined by a group from SC and they are very excired bout the work ahead and many other things that are planned. Pray for them.
Today was truly another great day in Honduras.
Blessings & Love
Saturday - another day filled with new adventure!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I feel as though I am there with Marc and Valerie`s emails. I can just see Jesus in all of you that I know. I know that you are tired but look back and see what you have done so hang in there. I am praying for you all and thank God for your great work. Reminds me of the carpenters in the Bible.
I am so proud of you all.
Hello Todd and Valerie, we are taking care of the boys here.
Much love and blessings,
Pat Phillips--------------Starkville

Anonymous said...

Dear Terri and Marc,
I was eager to read a reply this morning from Terri and experience her warmness towards me like always. Again, I was humbled by her greetings, kind words, her grateful heart and a faith so strong I had to stop and ask God to please forgive my lack of gratitude for ALL that He provides me through each and every day. And if it was suddenly taken away, would I be ok? Would I have a smile on my face and be encouragement to those around me like Terri and Marc? I am always reminded when I read an email from Terri and Marc that Jesus is all that I truly need.
Terri who work so selflessly in every task that is set before them are blessings to many. It encourages me to step out in faith in order to be of service to those in need here in Columbus, MS.
I always get the sense that Terri went to Honduras to give a blessing to someone else, and in turn, says she and Marc receive the blessing! I just wish I could do more with the opportunity that has been given Pearley and I with supporting Cindy. God is doing some incredible things at the Casa de Esperanza. I am amazed at how He Has blessed this work/ I continue to pray for the children.
Every child represents a soul. Disciples for Christ when they are older.
God's mercy is so awesome. We serve a BIG God.
I look forward to Terri setting up a blog. I am thankful for her views of how God works in different places and people. And I look forward to seeing the Tindals in coming weeks...on this corner of the world.
Ginger in Columbus, MS

Anonymous said...

Hey C.J. from Borger, TX.
I hear you do a great job with a chain saw and helping build houses. Way to go! Keep up the good work! Your church family in Borger, TX. love you, miss you and are praying for ALL of you. As a matter of fact it's great knowing the entire group from Borger, TX. along with ALL of the Torch Team are accomplishing GREAT things, and ALL for Jesus.
With Love and Blessings to ALL,
Sue Tindall

Anonymous said...

vwuvnHi Todd,
Papa says he misses you and is ready for you to come home. Lana and family came by from the beachand we met them in WP and ate at Mossy Oak. We are so proud of all that you done. God will certainly be proudl Give everyone our love. See you soon.
peace and safety I love you Todd.
Nana and Papa

Unknown said...

It's so exciting to read what you all are accomplishing for our God!

Keep up the good work. Our prayers will continue upward on your behalf.

Debra and Lauren (from IL) - we love you!

~Carla and Brent Vaughan (and girls)