Monday, July 28, 2008

Stuff happening all over

Today was an awesome day. A devo this morning we found out that another one of our group was baptized last night. A group went to Los Pinos to finish a house, build a house and evangelize. The Lord added another brother in Christ. Several other studies were done and the seed was planted.
One group several of whom were from Starkville went to the dump today and handed out 350 sandwiches and water. The people at the dump seem to have no reason for hope, but the smiles as they received the sandwiches seems to offer some hope. They stay under umbrellas or lean-tos made out of cardboard boxes. Pray for a way for the dump ministry to continue throughout the year and how to be able to meet their spiritual needs as well as their physical. The group also went to the Special Needs Orphange to play with the children there. These children live there and very few of their parents even visit with them and they really enjoy visitors. They got to help feed them lunch. A prayer was said before lunch and after each child said something they were thankful for. A bowl of rice, green beans, potatoes, roast and bananas. Some played catch and just enjoyed hugs. They really enjoyed the visitors. After they visited for a while they went out to Casa de Esperanza to play with the children. They played soccer and around on the equipment and trampoline. And just showed Jesus' love to them.
A third group went to Sector Ocho to do a clothes give away. This was the first time a clothes give away was done there and it went very well. Around 600 people got clothes today. It was a blessing in this area. This is the same area where the bridge was built. It is amazing to see how much that bridge is used.
It was another great day in Honduras.

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