Sunday, July 27, 2008

The church in Los Pinos

This morning the whole group attended church services in Los Pinos. It is amazing to think back to 5 years ago today and know that the very first service was held there with brand new Christians. The church there has grown incredibly during that time and has become a center for the community. The Sunday school classrooms are filled with children that are growing up knowing who Jesus is and singing praises to God. The church is growing in knowledge and are evangalizing on their own and not just waiting for mission teams to appear to evangalize. This morning the Lord working through Wesley and Cisco enabled His message to rain down with fire and passion. Four more Christians were added to the church this morning. Behind me I could hear encouraging words and when I looked over my shoulder I saw a lady writing down all of the scriptures and the lady next to her whispering about the scriptures. She was one of those who accepted Jesus today and was baptized. God is amazing the way He is using all of us for His glory. Seeing the now familiar faces of the church there is a blessing each and every time I go.
After worship the group went to the Valley of the Angels and shopped and enjoyed a day of rest and team building. Today really was a great day in Honduras.

1 comment:

MissV said...

So glad to hear of the baptisms and the encouragement and growth that the church in Los Pinos is experiencing! What I enjoyed the most during worship services was realizing that God is able to accept worship is all different languages at the same moment in time! Thanks for your blog - I feel like I'm more a part of the trip.