Tuesday, May 01, 2007


In many parts of the world, May Day is a celebration - mostly in places like Cuba and other less than friendly nations - I think.
Here at my house - May Day means that the due date for airfare has arrived. Sort of a "deal or no deal" moment. Either you send the airfare - quickly (deal) or you don't (no deal). I sorta like the show that goes by the same name and for the life of me I don't understand how so many of the folks give up big bucks to take a chance on a "better deal". The situation here is different because if you think that by waiting to send your airfare is going to make you get a better deal - guess again. You snooze - you lose. Don't pay, don't play. All of these little sayings are going to be true and you will be home in July when all of us are in Honduras.
Ps: for the few of you that have already sent your airfare - get ready for Great DAys in Honduras.

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