I just had a call from my friend Les Ferguson. Les is the dad of my other good friend Cole and Les called to let me know of some of the difficulties that Cole has experienced since he returned home ffom Honduras.
Cole developed what was thought to be a case of the revenge in Honduras however, even with meds, the problem didn't go away so, he has been through several tests and now knows that he has contracted E-Coli. He is pretty sick and could use our prayers and our encouragenment.
Please feel free to use the comment section of the blog to send Cole messages of encouragement. I know that he will get every message and will like hearing from everyone.
Also, If you have a CD or DVD of all of your pictures and video, would you please burn a copy for me?
Please send copies to me at 124 Spyglass Ct., O'Fallon, IL 62269
Thanks & don't forget Cole!
Hey Cole,
I was at that house that Selena referred to in her letter. You were so funny yelling at Richard saying, "I'll fall" and Richard saying you wouldn't. I looked around later and there you were up on the roof nailing and doing a great job. You don't let anything keep you down, so don't let those little bugs get you down. I remember, too, that you made it up and down the steps at Roatan while your dad almost broke his butt when he fell. You're the tough one. We're praying for you. Get well soon! - Lowell
A prayer for Cole:
Our Most Kind and Gracious Heavenly Father;
We thank you, oh Lord, for giving, sustaining and enhancing our lives through Jesus Christ. We thank you for all of your servants who show us Jesus each and every day.
We especially thank you for Cole. Thank you for his smile, kindess and enthusiasm for all things spiritual.
Lord, as we lift him up in prayer this day, grant him a speed and quick recovery from his illness. May those who attend to him have wisdom and understanding as to what to do for his benefit. Be with his family as they minister to him. Keep Cole comfortable during his ordeal.
Father, forgive our sins so that we can clearly see the Christian example that this young man has and may we, this very day, be blessed again by it.
In the Name of Jesus; AMEN
All Cole"s TORCH friends in Charlotte, N.C.
Hi Cole,
I just read the blogger and am saddened to hear you are sick. I know you could not wait to get home and go to school. I love your smile. You are a true inspiration to me and all that are around you. Please let me know if I can do anything for you.
I have a few suggestions for you. While you are at home keep your feet up and relax. Make your little brother get you any thing you want and rub your feet. Tell him I said so. He will love that. I think your older brother should clean your room and make your bed because you are sick. I know Maria is starting a new job but I know she will bring you your favorite cookies. Hi, Maria!
Cole, I love you and I am praying for you.
Love, Mary, Fairview Heights IL.
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