It is really hard for my fingers to type 2006. That seems like it should be years away but, the simple fact is, we will be in 2006 in a short 125 or so days. That means that it is already time to begin thinking and planning for TORCH 2006!
We don’t yet have the trip dates for TORCH 2006 but, you can be assured that planning is already in full swing. The MS TORCH family has grown so much that one of two things must happen – we can stop the growth where we are and fix the number at somewhere between 150 and 170 or, we can divide and conquer. Personally, I like the idea of dividing.
SO –
My current plan is something like this –
I will plan to lead two 9 day trips in 2006. The trips will be sometime in June and we will keep our place for the second trip in late July. We will plan our arrivals in Honduras on a Friday and our departures on the second Sunday. The Roatan retreat will be an optional addition and will no longer be included in the cost of the trip.
Our 2006 cost will not be finalized until sometime in October however, I expect the total of the 9 day mission to be in the neighborhood of $1150 to $1200 per person. (It looks like airfares will be 4100 to $150 per person more than in 2005) In addition to airfares, we all see what the rapid rise in fuel cost has meant to our own budgets – our team alone spent almost $10,000 for bus and truck fuel when we were in Honduras.
Please feel free to share your comments here or email them to me at
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Monday, August 15, 2005

I just had a call from my friend Les Ferguson. Les is the dad of my other good friend Cole and Les called to let me know of some of the difficulties that Cole has experienced since he returned home ffom Honduras.
Cole developed what was thought to be a case of the revenge in Honduras however, even with meds, the problem didn't go away so, he has been through several tests and now knows that he has contracted E-Coli. He is pretty sick and could use our prayers and our encouragenment.
Please feel free to use the comment section of the blog to send Cole messages of encouragement. I know that he will get every message and will like hearing from everyone.
Also, If you have a CD or DVD of all of your pictures and video, would you please burn a copy for me?
Please send copies to me at 124 Spyglass Ct., O'Fallon, IL 62269
Thanks & don't forget Cole!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Robin White's Comments
**** Reflections from Robin****
Hello Team!
Wow! We did it - we went to Honduras and are back and it almost seems like a dream to me!
I know there is so much that happened - oodles of fantastic memories were made; so many people were helped - physically and spiritually. We built houses! We played with lonely babies and children at orphanages. We prayed for and brought smiles to those children who were really sick at Hospital Escuela. We were a part of Bible studies that brought people to the Lord, not only in baptism but then also to a changed life of hope - of walking in the Light and then of Eternal Salvation!! How rich!! We got to witness weddings!! I loved making the cross necklaces with the children - boys and girls alike and well, women too, because each time it was telling a Bible story - The Story of Christ's Love! Thanks, Lowell, for once again buying those special gifts! And Jacob gave out lotsa cars - what a hit! And he made friends and friends and more friends!! And all you girlies -- what nice necklaces and bracelets you made for/with the children and beautiful pictures you colored, 'juntos' with the little ones. Kyrystal, you were so tough! Thanks for putting up with 'pee-pee' on the pant legs - not once but several times. Cuddling those babies was worth it, huh? And "my girls" thanks for looking out for 14 year old pregnant Jaimi and buying her groceries and just for loving her - you made a difference!! (you know that song "Let the Beauty of Jesus be seen in Me." ? well, you did! I saw Jesus and you were beautiful!) Ethan -- do I have it right? you have been a part of building 25 houses in Honduras?? You're the Man!! Also, Laurie fell down the steps in the rainy dark but, talk about attitude!! - bless your heart, girl, for being tough - those bruises were bad but you just kept on going and going, like that everready bunny! even with that rotten headcold! Jessi W., in spite of downright yuckiness with being sick, you were a leader and helper, thanks - again and again and again. Jessi Y., you're a 'roofer' girl! is that your new chosen profession? Honestly, isn't it soooo cool that you're helping keep the rain off those babies in the cold, dark nights? David, I saw you help nail down that floor, and you made some Honduran friends - great going!! Nancy, among other stuff, helping with that food assembly - what an awesome chore! (and it wasn't easy!) Allison tried to stay well and smiled even when she felt rotten - you done good, girl! Russ McC actually turned into a builder by the end of the 2 weeks - and before that, stayed soooo busy with evangelism! and my Lowell - forever the humble, hard-worker - was busy with whatever was given him to do...making kids smile, hammering, putting up lofts, fellowshipping with Hondurans and team members wherever he went...
I actually wouldn't change anything - even though I never knew from day to day how I would be used, I let God just kind of lead me and He always surprised me. At first I sometimes had to work on my attitude if it was something I wasn't expecting (which like was almost everyday) but then, after "sucking it up" and getting over my selfishness, I let God have His way and it was great! I am soooo glad I had exercised beforehand and been on vitamins and was ready because we never stopped! Yeah, echinecea and zinc! And I praise God for giving me the health and fortitude I had...
We had some "not so good happenings" too - so sorry for the several who got sick - Jessi White, Laurie, Allison and Nancy -- but Praise God! we had doctors with medicines available and that we had a comfortable campus if we had to stay out for a day (like about 20 + did various days, including our Allison) - but hey guys, you were in a safe place, there were real beds, water, showers, food, a roof over the heads, and plenty of people coming back within hours, includung 3 doctors with more meds if needed so, even staying behind you all were blessed... while allowing others to be out serving those who did not have doctors available normally, or their own roofs over their heads, or ever, ever water enough for showers, much less hot showers, or electricity, or beds - just pallets on the floor and the beds we built - they were wooden platforms! -- and never, ever enough food and some who had never been taught the gospel...Praise to God that there were those still able to go out and Praise God that they did!!
Well, everything wasn't perfect but it was Perfectly Amazing!!
My challenge to each of you is this: if you have to remember anything negative about our trip, write it down, take it to the Lord, and then tear up that paper in put it in the trash with the devil and his workings - don't give satan a stronghold in your hearts to ruin this trip - we had lessons on this already, but I challenge you to apply it!
There were so many Great things that we were privileged to be a part of and that is what should be coming out of our mouths and hearts - We saw so many terrific examples of servanthood during our time in Honduras. Now that we are home we need to bring the lessons home and bring them to life. Give up selfishness, crucify pride, allow yourself to be a servant where ever and whenever you are needed. Look for opportunities here in the states and allow God to use you up for Him!! We are soooo rich materially and spirtually, there is no room for "oh, woe is me!" Practice living positively - talk positive, walk positive, and treat others with honor. Work on being a part of those who make a choice to make a difference - that's what YOU have been a part of for the last two weeks and it was a God- thing!
I am soooo glad each of you were a part of the time there. I am moved and honored for having been a part of your team. Thanks!
I remain joyful
- Robin
Hello Team!
Wow! We did it - we went to Honduras and are back and it almost seems like a dream to me!
I know there is so much that happened - oodles of fantastic memories were made; so many people were helped - physically and spiritually. We built houses! We played with lonely babies and children at orphanages. We prayed for and brought smiles to those children who were really sick at Hospital Escuela. We were a part of Bible studies that brought people to the Lord, not only in baptism but then also to a changed life of hope - of walking in the Light and then of Eternal Salvation!! How rich!! We got to witness weddings!! I loved making the cross necklaces with the children - boys and girls alike and well, women too, because each time it was telling a Bible story - The Story of Christ's Love! Thanks, Lowell, for once again buying those special gifts! And Jacob gave out lotsa cars - what a hit! And he made friends and friends and more friends!! And all you girlies -- what nice necklaces and bracelets you made for/with the children and beautiful pictures you colored, 'juntos' with the little ones. Kyrystal, you were so tough! Thanks for putting up with 'pee-pee' on the pant legs - not once but several times. Cuddling those babies was worth it, huh? And "my girls" thanks for looking out for 14 year old pregnant Jaimi and buying her groceries and just for loving her - you made a difference!! (you know that song "Let the Beauty of Jesus be seen in Me." ? well, you did! I saw Jesus and you were beautiful!) Ethan -- do I have it right? you have been a part of building 25 houses in Honduras?? You're the Man!! Also, Laurie fell down the steps in the rainy dark but, talk about attitude!! - bless your heart, girl, for being tough - those bruises were bad but you just kept on going and going, like that everready bunny! even with that rotten headcold! Jessi W., in spite of downright yuckiness with being sick, you were a leader and helper, thanks - again and again and again. Jessi Y., you're a 'roofer' girl! is that your new chosen profession? Honestly, isn't it soooo cool that you're helping keep the rain off those babies in the cold, dark nights? David, I saw you help nail down that floor, and you made some Honduran friends - great going!! Nancy, among other stuff, helping with that food assembly - what an awesome chore! (and it wasn't easy!) Allison tried to stay well and smiled even when she felt rotten - you done good, girl! Russ McC actually turned into a builder by the end of the 2 weeks - and before that, stayed soooo busy with evangelism! and my Lowell - forever the humble, hard-worker - was busy with whatever was given him to do...making kids smile, hammering, putting up lofts, fellowshipping with Hondurans and team members wherever he went...
I actually wouldn't change anything - even though I never knew from day to day how I would be used, I let God just kind of lead me and He always surprised me. At first I sometimes had to work on my attitude if it was something I wasn't expecting (which like was almost everyday) but then, after "sucking it up" and getting over my selfishness, I let God have His way and it was great! I am soooo glad I had exercised beforehand and been on vitamins and was ready because we never stopped! Yeah, echinecea and zinc! And I praise God for giving me the health and fortitude I had...
We had some "not so good happenings" too - so sorry for the several who got sick - Jessi White, Laurie, Allison and Nancy -- but Praise God! we had doctors with medicines available and that we had a comfortable campus if we had to stay out for a day (like about 20 + did various days, including our Allison) - but hey guys, you were in a safe place, there were real beds, water, showers, food, a roof over the heads, and plenty of people coming back within hours, includung 3 doctors with more meds if needed so, even staying behind you all were blessed... while allowing others to be out serving those who did not have doctors available normally, or their own roofs over their heads, or ever, ever water enough for showers, much less hot showers, or electricity, or beds - just pallets on the floor and the beds we built - they were wooden platforms! -- and never, ever enough food and some who had never been taught the gospel...Praise to God that there were those still able to go out and Praise God that they did!!
Well, everything wasn't perfect but it was Perfectly Amazing!!
My challenge to each of you is this: if you have to remember anything negative about our trip, write it down, take it to the Lord, and then tear up that paper in put it in the trash with the devil and his workings - don't give satan a stronghold in your hearts to ruin this trip - we had lessons on this already, but I challenge you to apply it!
There were so many Great things that we were privileged to be a part of and that is what should be coming out of our mouths and hearts - We saw so many terrific examples of servanthood during our time in Honduras. Now that we are home we need to bring the lessons home and bring them to life. Give up selfishness, crucify pride, allow yourself to be a servant where ever and whenever you are needed. Look for opportunities here in the states and allow God to use you up for Him!! We are soooo rich materially and spirtually, there is no room for "oh, woe is me!" Practice living positively - talk positive, walk positive, and treat others with honor. Work on being a part of those who make a choice to make a difference - that's what YOU have been a part of for the last two weeks and it was a God- thing!
I am soooo glad each of you were a part of the time there. I am moved and honored for having been a part of your team. Thanks!
I remain joyful
- Robin
Sunday, August 07, 2005
It is difficult to decsribe the amazing events of the past two weeks without becoming somewhat emotional. This family of workers was united in everything and the results can only be described as AMAZING....
Our God assembled a group of builders they did! The final count of 35 houses included 31 from scratch and 4 that were completed for another mission team that was unable to finish the job before thay left the country. Our builders worked in Nuevo Oriental, Santa Ana, Valle de Angels, San Miguel, Via Nueva, & 21 de Octobre. Every home built was completed with lots of love in in the name of Jesus.
Our crews were led by many excellent & dedicated builders including Jim Kelly & his son Austin, Kyle Ferguson, Andrew Kurgenivitch, Mark Halbert, John Rogers, Paul Bennett, Caleb Yates, Ryan & Kirt Hunt, & others that I am sure that I have missed. Everyone agrees that the addition of floors is the best thing on the mountain since outhouses.
Our construction story wouldn't be complete without thanking my friend and brother Mark Connell. Mark's amazing love for putting roofs over the heads and floors under the feet of families that need them is just like mine. He worked tirelessly to make sure that we coule build every home that was humanly possible. Mark, I see Jesus in you every day (except for possibly the hair thing)
More Construction
The community of Santa Ana has a new church building and it was completed - from start to finish in a week. Simply amazing!
We celebrated communion on Sunday the 24th of July on a plot of land that was almost untouched and one week later we worshiped together in a new block building.
This amazing work was led by Don White and he was assisted by Aaron Hill, Andy Hill, Wally Sweedenburg, & Larry Allen. The family of builders looked at what appeared to be an impossible task and said that "With God, All things are possible"...and it was. The work was non stop and it was hard. It included moving 1000's of block, mixing 100's of loads of concrete, moving dirt, and sweat....lots of sweat.
Even more Construction!
The builders also moved dirt in the area of the new children's home and build sidewalks. They worked on rock walls and on block houses that are being build in the area of the new church building.
Food Distribution
Terri Tindall and her team of food packers did amazing work. This team packed more than 10 tons of food for the hungry. Probably closer to 25,000 poubnds of food was packed and distributed to hungry families.
There were a couple of people that turned out to be "professional" packers and they deserve to be thanked and recognized - Mary Sharky was a packing machine and she was joined by Nancy McCullough, Gayla Kenser, Sharen & Jenny Seldomridge, & many others.
Because of the hard work of the food team, we were able to feed about 1500 families.
Clinics & Medical Ministry
This year we were blessed to have Dr's Jason Kelly & Dan Kellum as well as Jim Lup a P.A.
This medical team completed 3 medical clinics and two dental clinisc and were able to treat over 900 people with medical needed ranging from surgery to remove a bullet that was lodged in a mans arm for more than a couple of years to a lady with elephantitus, to having to remove every tooth from the head of a woman. These men were joined by Esperanza Massana, Michelle Rachl, and several other translators that made communication work. Additionally, there were many clinic volunteers that mad the process work for the docs and the people being treated.
On a personal note, I'd like to thank our medical team for always being there for our team - especially for those that fell ill while serving in Honduras.
Amazing, the harvest was simply amazing!
Billy Ferguson & Cisco Vega have established a simple way to deliver the gospel to the people of Honduras and have been joined by several others including Les Ferguson, Wesley Thompson, Jeremy Stewart, David Kenser, John Palmer, Russ McCullough, Lowell White, and many others. Because these and others were willing to step out onto the mountai, there are now 54 new Christians and 2 new churches have been planted.
More than 30 in the community of Nuevo Oriental alone!
UPDATE on Los Pinos - we were able to visit the community of Los Pinos a couple of times and we are happy to report that the church that was planted in Los Pinos two years ago is continuing to grow. More than 120 adults and 12o children meet there every Sunday.
We are praying to see the same sort of results in Santa Ana and Nuevo Oriental.
Other Ministries -
We sent teams of workers to the public hospital every day to spend time playing and praying with the many children with needs. We also sent these teams of servents to several childrens homes and places like the Special Needs Orphanage. Our workers were blessed as much as any of the children that they came into contact with.
Gayla Kenser spent 3 days in Nuevo Oriental teaching a manacure class to 7 ladies from that community. On graduation day many of our ladies allowed the newly trained ladies to test their skills on them for a total of 30 Limpera (about 1.80 US). Each of the ladies earned close to $20 that day and many are going to be able to apply for jobs that they previously were not qualified to do.
As usual, our morning and evening times of devotional were amazing. The singing was the best ever and the thoughts that were shared were inspiring. Most of us weren't quite ready to come home and re-join the routines that we didn't miss.
I'd be remiss in closing this summary without letting all of you know how much we need to thank Tim & Gena & Joe for their unending work and love for making things happen. Nobody knows the amount of time that they put in to making TORCH Missions work. Tim, Gena, Joe, Dalton, & Dylan - We love you with the love of the Lord & we see Jesus in you every day!
Interns - you were all great and we love you too! Thanks!
Team.... Family, If you would like to share your thoughts on the blog, please email them to me at and I'll post them. I will continue to post at least weekly on this spot as this is the best communication tool for letting you know about TORCH 2006.
It has been a Great Year In Honduras
Love all of ya'
Our God assembled a group of builders they did! The final count of 35 houses included 31 from scratch and 4 that were completed for another mission team that was unable to finish the job before thay left the country. Our builders worked in Nuevo Oriental, Santa Ana, Valle de Angels, San Miguel, Via Nueva, & 21 de Octobre. Every home built was completed with lots of love in in the name of Jesus.
Our crews were led by many excellent & dedicated builders including Jim Kelly & his son Austin, Kyle Ferguson, Andrew Kurgenivitch, Mark Halbert, John Rogers, Paul Bennett, Caleb Yates, Ryan & Kirt Hunt, & others that I am sure that I have missed. Everyone agrees that the addition of floors is the best thing on the mountain since outhouses.
Our construction story wouldn't be complete without thanking my friend and brother Mark Connell. Mark's amazing love for putting roofs over the heads and floors under the feet of families that need them is just like mine. He worked tirelessly to make sure that we coule build every home that was humanly possible. Mark, I see Jesus in you every day (except for possibly the hair thing)
More Construction
The community of Santa Ana has a new church building and it was completed - from start to finish in a week. Simply amazing!
We celebrated communion on Sunday the 24th of July on a plot of land that was almost untouched and one week later we worshiped together in a new block building.
This amazing work was led by Don White and he was assisted by Aaron Hill, Andy Hill, Wally Sweedenburg, & Larry Allen. The family of builders looked at what appeared to be an impossible task and said that "With God, All things are possible"...and it was. The work was non stop and it was hard. It included moving 1000's of block, mixing 100's of loads of concrete, moving dirt, and sweat....lots of sweat.
Even more Construction!
The builders also moved dirt in the area of the new children's home and build sidewalks. They worked on rock walls and on block houses that are being build in the area of the new church building.
Food Distribution
Terri Tindall and her team of food packers did amazing work. This team packed more than 10 tons of food for the hungry. Probably closer to 25,000 poubnds of food was packed and distributed to hungry families.
There were a couple of people that turned out to be "professional" packers and they deserve to be thanked and recognized - Mary Sharky was a packing machine and she was joined by Nancy McCullough, Gayla Kenser, Sharen & Jenny Seldomridge, & many others.
Because of the hard work of the food team, we were able to feed about 1500 families.
Clinics & Medical Ministry
This year we were blessed to have Dr's Jason Kelly & Dan Kellum as well as Jim Lup a P.A.
This medical team completed 3 medical clinics and two dental clinisc and were able to treat over 900 people with medical needed ranging from surgery to remove a bullet that was lodged in a mans arm for more than a couple of years to a lady with elephantitus, to having to remove every tooth from the head of a woman. These men were joined by Esperanza Massana, Michelle Rachl, and several other translators that made communication work. Additionally, there were many clinic volunteers that mad the process work for the docs and the people being treated.
On a personal note, I'd like to thank our medical team for always being there for our team - especially for those that fell ill while serving in Honduras.
Amazing, the harvest was simply amazing!
Billy Ferguson & Cisco Vega have established a simple way to deliver the gospel to the people of Honduras and have been joined by several others including Les Ferguson, Wesley Thompson, Jeremy Stewart, David Kenser, John Palmer, Russ McCullough, Lowell White, and many others. Because these and others were willing to step out onto the mountai, there are now 54 new Christians and 2 new churches have been planted.
More than 30 in the community of Nuevo Oriental alone!
UPDATE on Los Pinos - we were able to visit the community of Los Pinos a couple of times and we are happy to report that the church that was planted in Los Pinos two years ago is continuing to grow. More than 120 adults and 12o children meet there every Sunday.
We are praying to see the same sort of results in Santa Ana and Nuevo Oriental.
Other Ministries -
We sent teams of workers to the public hospital every day to spend time playing and praying with the many children with needs. We also sent these teams of servents to several childrens homes and places like the Special Needs Orphanage. Our workers were blessed as much as any of the children that they came into contact with.
Gayla Kenser spent 3 days in Nuevo Oriental teaching a manacure class to 7 ladies from that community. On graduation day many of our ladies allowed the newly trained ladies to test their skills on them for a total of 30 Limpera (about 1.80 US). Each of the ladies earned close to $20 that day and many are going to be able to apply for jobs that they previously were not qualified to do.
As usual, our morning and evening times of devotional were amazing. The singing was the best ever and the thoughts that were shared were inspiring. Most of us weren't quite ready to come home and re-join the routines that we didn't miss.
I'd be remiss in closing this summary without letting all of you know how much we need to thank Tim & Gena & Joe for their unending work and love for making things happen. Nobody knows the amount of time that they put in to making TORCH Missions work. Tim, Gena, Joe, Dalton, & Dylan - We love you with the love of the Lord & we see Jesus in you every day!
Interns - you were all great and we love you too! Thanks!
Team.... Family, If you would like to share your thoughts on the blog, please email them to me at and I'll post them. I will continue to post at least weekly on this spot as this is the best communication tool for letting you know about TORCH 2006.
It has been a Great Year In Honduras
Love all of ya'
Friday, August 05, 2005
Our Teguc team was smaller today as we sent about 110 to Roatan. There were 35 of us that chose to stay and work. We spent most of our day in Nuevo Oriental working on houses and taking care of the many needs that were in front of us. We finished a new house for a new Christian named Noae and helped he and his family move in. He was so thankful for his new home - he gave all the credit to our God.
Our doc's were busy following up on people that they had seen earlier and also performed surgery on the mountain. There was a man that had a bullet lodged in his arm for several years and our doc's took the time to remove it.
The day closed with a young man in Nueva Oriental choosing to become a Christian. It was awesome!
God continues to bless us and we will send a summary by the end of the weekend.
Our doc's were busy following up on people that they had seen earlier and also performed surgery on the mountain. There was a man that had a bullet lodged in his arm for several years and our doc's took the time to remove it.
The day closed with a young man in Nueva Oriental choosing to become a Christian. It was awesome!
God continues to bless us and we will send a summary by the end of the weekend.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Tuesday / Wednesday
First let me start by thanning my daughter Nicole for keeping all of you updated on the blog. There isn´t any way that I would have had the time to¨get er done¨these past two weeks.
Really cool stuff has been happening...Gayla Kenser has been teaching a class of 7 women the skill of manicure and they all graduated on Wednesday. They were all very excited to be a part of the class and we finished the class with the graduates offering manicures to our ladies for 30 limpera ... about 1.80 US. The ladies were way excited to earn dollars fo their own.
We have continued to build and over the past 2 days there have been about 7 new homes completed. We also built 2 new classroms for the school in Nueva Oriental.
There was a clinic in Los Pinos on Tuesday and over 200 were treated. Our Doc´s have been great and have worked hard.... both in the villages and here on the mission house campus. Thanks Jason Kelly and Jim Lup... you are both great.
Every day we have continued to send a team to Hospital Esquela and various childrens homes. We all see how blessed we are with the health care system in the USA and how much the new childrens home is needed.
This morning we sent a group of about 110 to Roatan for a retreat and we have about 35 here in Tegucigalpa that will continue to build and work. Those that are staying are making a big contribution to the work of building Casa de Esperanza... the new children´s home in Santa Ana. The money that would have gone to Roatan is now going to be used to help children.
We will update tomorrow and then have a summary on Sunday.
Thanks for reading and praying for our work.
We are continuing to have ¨great days in Honduras¨
Really cool stuff has been happening...Gayla Kenser has been teaching a class of 7 women the skill of manicure and they all graduated on Wednesday. They were all very excited to be a part of the class and we finished the class with the graduates offering manicures to our ladies for 30 limpera ... about 1.80 US. The ladies were way excited to earn dollars fo their own.
We have continued to build and over the past 2 days there have been about 7 new homes completed. We also built 2 new classroms for the school in Nueva Oriental.
There was a clinic in Los Pinos on Tuesday and over 200 were treated. Our Doc´s have been great and have worked hard.... both in the villages and here on the mission house campus. Thanks Jason Kelly and Jim Lup... you are both great.
Every day we have continued to send a team to Hospital Esquela and various childrens homes. We all see how blessed we are with the health care system in the USA and how much the new childrens home is needed.
This morning we sent a group of about 110 to Roatan for a retreat and we have about 35 here in Tegucigalpa that will continue to build and work. Those that are staying are making a big contribution to the work of building Casa de Esperanza... the new children´s home in Santa Ana. The money that would have gone to Roatan is now going to be used to help children.
We will update tomorrow and then have a summary on Sunday.
Thanks for reading and praying for our work.
We are continuing to have ¨great days in Honduras¨
Monday, August 01, 2005
Sunday and Monday
Yesterday was beuatiful. We were able to worship in three different places. A group went to worship in Los Pinos which has grown so much in the last two years since this church started. An old friend, Verjillio greeted us when we got there. He now lives in Copan, so this was a big surprise. The other groups worshiped in Nueva Oriental with the new Christians. Finally, a group worshiped at Santa Anna. This was neat because only one week ago, we worshiped here in the rain and had communion, but yesterday we worshiped in the building that the group built. About 65 people from the community joined us in worship. God is amazing.
Nueva Oriental... Today we had the opportunity to work on four houses that God had already sent groups to start on. Tomorrow we will finish these. One house was started and finished today. Everywhere we looked around we saw groups of people studying the Bible with small groups of Honduras. We now have 46 new family members in our Christian family. Praise God!! Many of the new Christians are so excited; they are telling everyone they know.
Also today in Nueva Oriental, we had a Mi Esperanza class that will last thru Wednesday to teach women of the community to give manacures and pedicures. This class was a great success today. There were 7 women in the class today, and they all were very eagar to learn.
The hospital crew had a very good day. They spent the morning at the hospital. Many of the kids enjoyed singing with the children. When they finished at the hospital, the group came to the Mi Esperanza. I'm sure everyone loved seeing first hand what this ministry is about.
Lastly, a group went to Santa Anna to work on the land. This land is going to be so important to so many people in Honduras. when we are all here next year, this place will not even resemble the same place that it is now. It will be so full of life. God is going to use this place in so many ways.
Its been another great day in Hoduras. Please pray for us.
Nueva Oriental... Today we had the opportunity to work on four houses that God had already sent groups to start on. Tomorrow we will finish these. One house was started and finished today. Everywhere we looked around we saw groups of people studying the Bible with small groups of Honduras. We now have 46 new family members in our Christian family. Praise God!! Many of the new Christians are so excited; they are telling everyone they know.
Also today in Nueva Oriental, we had a Mi Esperanza class that will last thru Wednesday to teach women of the community to give manacures and pedicures. This class was a great success today. There were 7 women in the class today, and they all were very eagar to learn.
The hospital crew had a very good day. They spent the morning at the hospital. Many of the kids enjoyed singing with the children. When they finished at the hospital, the group came to the Mi Esperanza. I'm sure everyone loved seeing first hand what this ministry is about.
Lastly, a group went to Santa Anna to work on the land. This land is going to be so important to so many people in Honduras. when we are all here next year, this place will not even resemble the same place that it is now. It will be so full of life. God is going to use this place in so many ways.
Its been another great day in Hoduras. Please pray for us.
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