Thursday, August 10, 2006

That's What It's All About

The "Hokey Pokey Boys" sang a little ditty that ended with "That's What It's All About". The song goes - you put your right foot in, you put your left foot in, you put your whole self in...
Since I've been home for a week now, I can easily see that they were correct! Putting your whole self in really is "what it's all about".
Well, I have now led teams to Honduras for several years and you can be assured that the 2006 team and mission was all about putting their whole self in. They put their whole self into the work needed to make the mission one that would answer many prayers and because of that, there are now 18 families with new homes. This morning I'm certain that many of them woke to praise our God for their dry floor and for a place that is safe for their families. I don't have an exact count, but 18 houses means that more than 100 people have a house today and that wasn't true a short 3 weeks ago. Our work allowed us to deliver much needed dental care to over 100 people. Our dental team was organized and worked so well with the kids and the adults. I'm confident that the people that were treated felt that Jesus himself had worked on their teeth.
Food is always an issue in most of the areas that we work. Our food teams packed more than two full truck-loads of food - each truck is more than 5000 pounds! That translated into about 600 food packages that were delivered directly to the families that really needed them. All of this was done in the name of Jesus. Some of the same folks that packed food also worked in our warehouse to organize, sort, and plan for our big give-away in Los Pinos. These sisters packed up more than a container of goods and we were able to assist more than 1000 people in the community of Los Pinos with clothing and shoes. All in the name of Jesus. This community was so appreciative of the work and the new clothes that were given in His name.
With all the work going on in the many ministries that we are blessed to be a part of, it would be easy to miss the point of "What It's All About". Of course, the Hokey Pokey Boys got it right - put your whole self in - that is exactly what so many on our evangelism teams did. Their work of planting seeds led to a harvest of 34 souls while we were in Honduras and even more since we returned home. Last weekend in Santa Ana there were three more that gave their lives to our Lord and it looks like there may be four more to follow this weekend. There were also 3 baptisms in Borger - all from that team going home and sharing the good news.
Our God is GOOD all the time!
There is even more -
Our team was able to help the little old lady on the mountain in Los Pinos with special food and a new bed. We were able to help the kids at Casa de Esperanza with a month of food! We were able to help another group with some emergency food. We were able to help the minister in Santa Ana with transportation for members that are too far from the building to get there on Sunday mornings - hopefully, that vehicle will be delivered this fall. Our team will be able to have some Sunday School classrooms built in Santa Ana and you will be able to see them in use next summer. There are over 100 kids that will be in classes there already!
Our God is Good All The Time!
and - That Is What It's All About!

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