Saturday, July 29, 2006

No hey problema

Friday in Honduras was again “another great day in Honduras”. We sent building crews to San Miguel to build three houses and others to talk to the people about Jesus. In Honduras, everything doesn’t always go as planned and you just gotta go with the flow or the frustrations would allow Satan to take your focus off of the mission. Yesterday was one of those days for one of our house crews. The crew went to the building site that they were given and as usual started measuring and digging corner holes. This is one part of construction that takes the most precision and time – because as we all know, a good foundation is what keeps a house standing. Anyway, our house team had unloaded all the materials, measured the site for corner posts, dug the holes, and began to set the posts. About this time, another person came up to the site claiming that the lot was his and that we couldn’t build there. Well, rather than take any chances, the crew reloaded the wood on the truck (a lot of wood too! Somehow it seems that the pile grew after it was unloaded the first time), they un-planted the corner posts, and went to another site. It was really cool that nobody complained and that this crew was able to get the wood moved and another house almost completed even though they didn’t get to get going until almost 2 PM.
One other crew went about 40 miles from the mission house and began construction on a house for Josué and his new wife. This house is unusual because it is 20 feet wide by 10 feet deep. It is also – when finished going to be much taller than a usual TORCH house because it is going to have a loft on each end. That house was about 75% completed yesterday and will be finished on Saturday.
There were 3 more new Christians that the Angels celebrated yesterday too. That – I think brings the total to 25. Our God is good! All the time.
Pray that we will have “another great day in Honduras”


Anonymous said...

Miss Katie,

Good morning, Can't wait to see your smiling face. I know that you will have more to smile about after being with God and his people in Honduras. Will is moving in his appt. today. He is excited! Looking forward to your return Monday night. There is lots of soul winning to be done in good ole Starkvegas. So, bring all your zeal home and share with us. We love you, MOM and DAD

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you got a chance to meet our precious Kayla. There are people in your life that you will always remember, and you 2 are some of those people in my life. I know you have made impression on Kayla, as she told me just how precious you were when I had the chance to talk to her this morning. It's nice to know that my daughter has been touched by people that also touched my life. We have prayed for all of you and see how much God has used all of you to his glory.


Anonymous said...


You will never know how good I feel right now after hearing your precious voice. After hearing just a few of your stories, I can't wait to hear about all your experiences. I hope you have been keeping a journal. Am counting down the days until Monday. Make the most of your last days in Honduras and know that you are so loved and I can't wait to see you. Love ya, Mom