Monday, April 24, 2006

Tic Toc

If you read the title of this post and think of a clock, well, you are pretty perceptive! The clock is ticking and time is running down to our Summer 2006 Mission.
Next Monday is May 1 and that is the due date for your airfare. As you all know, gas prices are through the roof and that means that the airlines are also looking for any way they can find to increase revenue - even if it means raising prices on a bunch of people going to Honduras to help others. If we are late in submitting our airfare to the airlines, they will gladly ask for and expect to get more money for our tickets.
I need everyone to understand this. You need to be putting a check for $650 in the mail to our TORCH address ...about NOW!
Have you forgotten the address? Not to worry your happy little self - here it is -
7948 Winchester Rd
Memphis, TN 38125-2311
There you have it. Airfare needs to be in the mail this week.

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