Monday, February 28, 2005

Our Team

Setting records is great & I love to be a part of a team that excels. With TORCH however, setting records isn’t what we are all about. Our only purpose is to follow the Great Commission and to do the works of service that our God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). Then at the end of the day, we will give our great and awesome God all the glory.

The good news about numbers is that our God likes them. There are a lot of occasions in his written word that show us that numbers are important to God. For instance, we know how many people were fed out of a small basket of fish and loaves, we know how many people became followers in Acts, and we are blessed with many other number references throughout the Bible.

With this in mind, I think that it is important that I share a few numbers about our 2005 mission to Honduras. You are about to be a part of TORCH history. Our team will more than likely be the largest single TORCH team ever….we will likely be about 150 strong. I truly believe that we are going to be this big because God has planned it and he has a lot for us to do. I believe that our size means that we have assumed the responsibility to work harder than ever and that when we do, the accomplishments for our God will be incredible. Right now we plan to plant a new church and build a meeting place, we’ll build as many houses as possible – 25 to 30 would be great, we will pack and deliver food to as many hungry families as we can – hopefully over 1,000, our medical team will treat over 1,000 sick & hurting people, we will send more than 10 evangelistic teams into the mountains every day and the harvest will be amazing, hundreds of children will see Jesus in the daily teams that work at Hospital Esquala, and much, much more. Then…at the end of our 2 week mission we will all see Jesus more clearly than ever.

I hope that all of you are excited about what our God has planned for our mission. I am! I would encourage any of you to use the comment section to let us know about how you or your group are coming along with plans to raise working funds for building, feeding, etc. I look forward to hearing from you.


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