Tuesday, January 15, 2008

TORCH 2008

I am back on this blog area and will be giving you updates on all you need to know about coming to Honduras in 2008. For those of you coming on the July mission - this post will have a registration for the summer trip. You will note that this year we are going to have 2 trips - one running from July 20 to August 2 and an overlaping trip that will run from July 27 to August 9. I expect the first group to be about 75 strong and the second group to be about 25. Feel free to send me a note if you are interested in staying for the entire trip.
2008 Registration
July 20 – August 2 OR
July 27 to August 9
Cost of trip is $1350.
PO 9222Columbus, MS 39705
Trip Date____________________________
Email address__________________
Name(As on your Passport____________________________
Date of Birth_____________ Age______
Street Address______________________________________________
Home Phone______________________
Cell Phone_____________________________
Social Security Number_______________________
Passport Number_______________________
City Issued_________________________
Date Issued____________________________
Expiration Date_____________________
Are you a Christian? Yes____ No_____
Name of Church youAddress of Church you attend_______________________________________________
Male____ Female____ Adult____ Teen____ Child____ Single____ Married______If married are husband and wife on the trip together?? Yes_____ No_____
Adults occupation_______________________________________________
Students academic classification & name of school_____________________
Languages you speak____________________________________________
Foreign Countries you have visited_________________________________
Are you in good physical condition? Yes_____ No______
Are you taking prescription medication on a regular basis? Yes____ No_____
If yes, List medications and conditions being treated_______________________________________________________
Adult T shirt size Small_____ Medium_____ Large_____ X Large ______ XXL_____
Signature & Date_____________________________________________
IMPORTANT Everyone traveling must fill out an applicationThis registration is due ASAP & must be accompanied with a $150 deposit. Airfare of $650 is due by May 1 and the balance is due June 30
Your registration also includes a commitment to raise a minimum of $200 that will be used for benevolence work in Honduras.